

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Have you noticed the world's plainest blog yet? Building good vibes and google juice with our clients and friends. Cheers, Ian To View More >>

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In a few hours we'll have made it to our holiday close-down. Each year we have a barbeque and a few drinks after work on the last day, and, because we operate from three sites (Bindery, Lab, IT team, not to mention a few outliers), it isn't possible to get everyone together for it. Which is a pity, because it's quite an emotional event - and a bit greasy too, given I'm one of those that helps with the cooking! Only a grinch could fail to notice what a friendly, hard-working, supportive bunch the people who work here are and what fun they are to be with. It's a real shame we can't all meet up. To View More >>

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This will be our third release in three months - notice a trend? The last two were betas adding the new features you've wanted and now this final builds on them to give a stable platform to start 2010.  So to jog your memory here are a few of our favourites... Photojunction 1.32b (release notes) Alignment got some serious attention (accuracy, stickiness, and clarity) Centering got smart (wings, flips, and panoramic) "Undo" got a speed boost ('nuf said) Photojunction 1.33b (release notes) Start window got a makeover (uploads, blog, store and more) Instant Slideshow got resurrected from Retro To View More >>

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Good morning. We’re moving QBY Connects from its previous home on to WordPress. You’ll get re-directed automatically (if you're reading this on the site itself you're already there) but if you notice anything “broken” (links, images etc) could you please let us know? We're going through reviewing everything systematically, but it’s a big job and you never know. Cheers, Ian PS This shift will give us the opportunity to enhance the site over time. If you have suggestions, please let us know. To View More >>

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I read Ian's post on the Kodak Carousel and immediately wanted to put my hand up .... (a sling back to the days of discipline at a Catholic school). I'm probably stating the obvious but I felt the message was SO important that it deserved emphasising.  Yes, I understand the business side of the message but there was this other thing that became important too. The post has a video clip from Mad Men, a sublime tv program about an advertising agency in the States in the 60's. It's about the launch of the Carousel .... Forgetting the wonderfully clever pitch, the ability to turn an electromechanical To View More >>

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