

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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I've gathered enough gongs now to qualify for an opinion on album design. Last week I was a judge for the Australian Professional Photography Awards at PMA in Melbourne. This was an honour I shared with the lovely Jo Grams, Jerry Ghionis, Jackie Chan, Yervant and other luminaries. Several things became apparent: 1) Some authors treated the album as a set of individual prints, mixing black and whites with colours, verticals with horizontals, with blatant disregard for the influence of those images on each other. 2) Some authors were hypnotised by the ability to apply a filter to create a look ... To View More >>

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Jerry Tomko is a long time friend who comes to mind whenever we think of heavy Photojunction users. He designs and sells a huge number of albums each year and has been using the software for as long as we can remember. 1) What impact does Photojunction have on your album design workflow? Photojunction has had a huge impact on my album design workflow. I have always been a firm believer in predesign - and in wedding albums, and I truly believe you should be able to see what you are purchasing. Even back in the film days, I would always present to the client what the album would look like before To View More >>

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Here's a quick, real-life story about Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. Last week we got a slightly panicked call from a PJ user who'd lost her entire album design. Frustrating. Support treats calls like this as detective stories, and they're really good at solving them. But what happened is less important than what to do about it. She thought she'd need to totally re-design her album, but we introduced her to Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. During the design of every album you do, Photojunction auto-saves templates of your design. It's not an option you can turn on and To View More >>

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It's that time of year when we take stock, make resolutions and ask questions ... like how can we make this year a winner? Are there too many photographers? Why do we ask our competitors for advice? What can we learn from musicians? And the big one: How much are our images worth? Sadly, that's not just about how good they are or how much time we spend on them in post-production. Our latest client newsletter is below. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment here or emailing Ian directly. Cheers, Nigel How much are your images worth? We received this present from our design consultants, To View More >>

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We don't know many people who know their way around Photojunction better than Chip Gillespie. Especially when it comes to shortcuts. We call him a Power User. (He's also the founder of Blogstomp, which is well worth checking out.) 1) You're a PJ power user – how long have you been using Photojunction and what attracted you to it in the first place? I have been using PhotoJunction for a little over a year. To be truthful, I was skeptical at first as I had what I believed to be a near-perfect album design process using Photoshop. On the recommendation of a friend and fellow photographer/designer, To View More >>

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