

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Meet Dave and Alianor, a tattoo artist from Atlanta, and a Catholic girl from Michigan. Tim Will shot their wedding in Atlanta last year. I could tell you about how the bridal party smoked and drank heavily before the ceremony, or that they carried guns with their names inscribed on the handles, or that the bride married in black. But I won't. Tim's images can do the talking... Instead, I'd rather highlight this album as a great example of how an anything-but-traditional wedding can fit so beautifully into a Queensberry. We're proud that our albums are so flexible and diverse. And that our album To View More >>

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We read this by Finao recently : InDesign is becoming more and more popular for album design work, however, we do not recommend it for new designers. Unless you know your stuff with InDesign and consider yourself an InDesign master, don’t use it... There are more variables and settings to check with InDesign. Wrong settings and improperly sized linked images are easy to miss and are common problems we have seen with inexperienced (and even some experienced) users... We have also experienced more problems with file corruptions during upload with improperly exported or converted InDesign files. To View More >>

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I got an email from Mark Miller today, and he's happy for me to share it and comment. I wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying Queensberry Connects lately, specifically the posts about how QBY albums differentiate us as photographers from our competition and the idea that press-books are everywhere. I have a couple of comments/questions that I hope might add to the conversation: 1. QBY albums differentiate us as photographers - my clients love my (your) albums but they don't know who Queensberry are (I tell them all about you 'You're the best in the World' etc), but I don't think they To View More >>

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When people contact us about their wedding, if they are doing a general search, they most often ask, 'How much to shoot our wedding?' Eventually they get around to 'What do I get?' and finally 'Are you available?' This email just came in. It says it all really.To whom it may concern,Would it be possible to be sent a full price list of your wedding packages?Thanks, Justin We all want our clients to care, because it is the caring that makes them better clients. So what are we selling? Are we selling a product at a price? Are we selling our ability to make great photographs? Are we selling our ability To View More >>

Tupperware 'fan boys' are everywhere. Prodding the skeptical, hosting Tupperware parties, and enthusiastically trying to convince their peers of the benefits. Their argument: Once you try it, you'll understand. And most people do. The experience of using Tupperware's product is usually enough to quickly switch a sceptic's loyalties, and soon enough they'll be passionately promoting the product themselves. That's (loosely) Tupperware's business model, and you can see how it would have a snowball effect. They've built a brand around positive customer experience and word of mouth marketing.  As To View More >>

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