

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Responsibility

Well we're delighted with the response and feedback we're getting to the new Directory – and apart from a couple of tweets and one post we haven't even mentioned it. So, some feedback on your feedback. 1. We haven't found anything buggy yet (that's tempting fate). If your listing doesn't show up, you don't have an active account, your web address hasn't been entered or has a typo, you're searching for it in the wrong location or you haven't completed the set-up (especially "Step 1"). The solution to all those is to log on and click on “Set Up Directory Listing”. Do tell people about your To View More >>

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The New York Times caused a ruckus a couple of days ago with an article pointing out the negative impact on professional photographers of a number of trends: the decline of the print media and therefore print advertising; the rise of digital imaging, stock photography and photo sharing sites; the flow-on opportunities for pro-am enthusiasts who don't face the same commercial imperatives. Christian Oth runs an upscale Manhattan studio. Here's his response - Ed. The New York Times posted an article about how photography is on a shrinking path. It is an interesting assessment of the state of assignment To View More >>

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Andrew Gardner posted a thoughtful comment on a recent post of mine in which I talked about a member of the public asking if I would sell her a Queensberry album. He's concerned that Queensberry's aim to build their brand amongst brides might turn the albums into a commodity and encourage discounting (eg "click here for cheapest QBY albums!") His thoughts probably reflect the concerns of many photographers. He says, Obviously we can't be complacent and we should always be thinking of unique and original ways to make ourselves stand out. But I have a niggling feeling that what Queensberry thought To View More >>

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Three points! 1. Investigate and determine your clients needs, limitations, and dreams. 2. Establish design objectives. 3. Exceed your clients' expectations. We set the parameters of size, style, and content from discussions with our client prior to the wedding. Having a series of questions to answer on a sheet means you get the information you need. Album type, size, and budget are the first questions. Then how many albums and what these would do. We gauge their response to our sample albums and ask questions about what might be important. We define the style by giving them a key description To View More >>

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What is a Dumbo Feather? It is the thing that somebody believes in that allows them to achieve their dreams, or maybe overcome their fears. Dumbo (think the elephant with big ears) believed that it was a very special feather that gave him the ability to fly, and when he lost the feather he became a flightless elephant. With extensive counselling and a few kind words he realised that it was in fact his large ears that were responsible for his 'winged' prowess. We are often the Dumbo Feather to our clients. They believe that we are responsible for making them photogenic ... sure we have our friend, To View More >>

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