

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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A few weeks ago Luke, who works at Queensberry, told us his grandparents were away overseas. After selling their movie theatre they’d decided to take a trip to Italy. They kept in touch, as he asked them, but little did they know he was collecting their photos to make an album of their adventures and special time together. 

It was a fun project to work on. He kept feeding the images to Steph as they came in, and in some ways, we almost felt like we were travelling with them… We loved seeing their smiling faces, and loved even more the stories that Luke would tell us as he dropped in the next lot of pictures. 

My favourite page in the album shows them both dressed up, ready to go on their date night — this couple who’ve been married for 45 years and still go on dates — how gorgeous is that? 

Tonight they arrive home from their trip. Luke could be taking flowers for his grandmother, a bottle of wine for his grandfather, but instead he’s taking something much more personal and precious. He’s recorded their favourite moments and written their holiday story with images. 

I love that Luke values those photos as much as they do. He brought the album into the office this afternoon – he looked so proud as he turned the pages. And he should be. He’s given the grandparents he adores such a lovely gift. I wonder if he realises just how much it will mean over the years as they look through it and remember their wonderful time in Italy.

And having travelled with them through those images, we adore them too.

Welcome home Fred and Gail (aka Mama and Pumpa). 

Sonya x

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