

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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When duplicating albums in Photojunction, the new album is automatically named with the original name with "_copy1", "_copy2", etc added to the end. This can get quite confusing. If I don't touch the album for a month, I'll have no idea which copy is the right copy. I try to rename as soon as possible. I have a few suggestions that might help with your workflow, and give you an idea of the kind of confusion you can get into. 1. If you're duplicating an album to make client changes, I rename the original album as just that, "Original". 2. If you're duplicating an album to send corrected files, To View More >>

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Improved image uploading is probably the biggest deal in this release of Queensberry Workspace, but have a play and judge for yourself. It’s free to try! Uploading Workspace now has six image uploaders for you to choose from – two web-based and four desktop uploaders. Pick one to suit your workflow. The upload window shows them all, including the links and instructions you'll need to use them. You can upload to existing events and collections or create new ones on the fly. One of the web uploaders is slower than the other, but more robust if your internet connection isn't the best. You can To View More >>

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Ideally I like to see the Problem Reporter empty every time I finish a design, but it isn't always, and you're probably the same. By default, any errors you can't ignore are listed first in the Reporter - the ones with the little red and white "X" against them. We can't make your album until they're corrected, so PJ won't let you send your order until they are. The items with the little yellow warning triangle you can ignore if you like. They're sorted into spacing issues, then sizing issues, and lastly alignment issues. Obviously, you want to take care of your red issues first. Complete your To View More >>

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I use the Browse Tab of the PJ Welcome screen a lot, but if you're sending orders to Queensberry the Uploads screen is also important, particularly if there happens to be a problem with your order. The screen has lots of information, so when the list of uploads gets busy you can sort (by any column), search, or filter based on status or upload date. The buttons are really important, and they change depending on the status of the upload. UPLOAD or RESUME - If the upload was interrupted or paused you'll see this. Mind you, when you booted PJ a popup would have reminded you had incomplete uploads) To View More >>

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If you reopen an album in Photojunction after sending to Queensberry, you'll notice it's "locked" and cannot be modified. Why? Because if you were to make changes to the album after we've received the order, we'd be making something different, which would certainly cause us confusion – you, us, or all of us – as you can imagine. So if you need to make changes to the album, eg upload new files, or order an extra copy, you'll need to duplicate the album first. Cheers, Angelique To View More >>

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